Anja Wolkenhauer and Julia Heideklang invite: “Based on our research in context of the DFG project Versio Latina, we aim to decidedly change our perspective and to focus particularly on early modern Latin translations, looking, as Peter Burke once articulated ‚into the wrong direction‘ (Burke 2007). What are their functions? Who translated and for what kind of readership; which expectations were placed on these translations by translators, editors, and printer-publishers? Were they successful, reprinted or overruled by rival products, or was their efficiency augmented by being intermediary versions for translations into other languages? All information, such as the concept, programm, and poster are available on our conference website.
Various contributions came together to form a wonderful conference program. The current version of the conference program is attached, with the aim to spark your interest, hoping that we may welcome you in Tübingen next spring at our conference!”