On this year's ISECS congress theme ‘Enlightenment Identities’, Prof Dr Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink gives two lectures closely related to the spp-project “Encyclopaedism”, led by him and PD Dr Greilich:
July 15, 2019: Entitled “Decelerating the periodical time - encyclopedic dimensions in late 18th-century French and German periodicals (rubriques, articles, translations)”, this lecture gives different examples of periodicals with more or less encyclopedic contents.
July 16, 2019: Entitled “Jacques André Naigeon (1738-1810) – un encyclopédiste pendant la Révolution Française. Trajectoire biographique, positionnements politiques et philosophiques, appropriations transculturelles”, Lüsebrink speaks about the student and close collaborator of Denis Diderot, who marked the intellectual and political history of the revolutionary era with two important works.